should we do this kind of story thread again?

  • nah this would never work

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Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Land Before Time
please vote after you have either added a part or read this explanation

this story takes place directly after SC: BW or somewhere around the time of SC: GHOST (which takes palce four years after the brood wars btw)

1)put down the first part of the stroy
2)you may either a) quote what was started and then add onto it or b) create your own start
3)continue adding onto any idea/story that you think you could add on to

you can continue off of any part of the story (anyones idea that was posted) that you think is a good place to start or you can create your own story

when you think you have a sufficent end to teh story, you can put in caps the word END. that way the ppl know that they shouldnt continue off of that idea
when you want someone to add onto your story put CONTINUE at the end of your piece

you may also create a new start if you wish but if everyone makes a new start, then no one will be able to finish the story :D

instead of adding a part you may post any questions about how this will work and i will try to explain this more thoroughly or another member will understand what the gist is and explain it to you

you may begin...


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
You really didn't explain how you want the story line set up so I'm going to start how I think it might look. :p

On a remote planet not far from the Dominions arms, the colony, 'Strong Arm', lost communications with their sister stations. A group of technicians was sent out to the colony's outter fringe to reinforce satellite coms. A couple days later, and with no news or return of the technicians, a small band of marines are sent out on a rescue mission.

"Snow Bound"
Confederate Camp
Grnaki Prime
6:33 AM SCT, 12.21.2541

Mission Briefing
Terran Command Center: Adjutant
Good morning gentlemen, as you know a few of you a group of Confederate technicians are lost after a violent hailstorm knocked out power to our communication devices. They left of the moring of December 17th 2541 and were to return yesturday morning. They were suppose to head due north and about 46 clicks out. The commander has been unable to connect to our sister base roughly 90 clicks north-west of here to see if any of technicians reported in.

There was only one message recieved before complete contact was lost.
Uploading now:
Play [.]
Technician: Homer Stands
Commander...*static*...we are nearing the...*static*...but there seems to be...*static*...storm...*static*...need to find...*static*...*static*...but there's this hole...*static...Skataski went...*static* ropes....*static*...*static*...dead...*static*...*static*
End [.]

There will be two teams sent out. The first team with 4 members will head towards our sister colony and determine if they need any assistance and if out techs reported in.
The second team with 6 men will sub group into 3's. You will travel towards the sattillite uplink and search for the missing techs.

Good luck and travel safe.



Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score

I'm not much of a writer but...

Project 'Hybrid' Logs​

Log 024 said:
I don't know what's happening, but ever since the Protoss showed, the specimen known as 'Claw' has been growing at a very unusual rate lately... when we had started the project he was the size of a mere Zergling... he's grown three times the normal rate over all of the other specimens.. I fear that if he keeps growing.. we will have to put him down. We can't transfer him to a larger chamber because he is too delicate and he would surely die. I don't know what to do...
Log 029 said:
Three days have passed since my last log, he begins to grow at the same rate.. I fear he does not break the chamber.. oh my..
Log 036 said:
Something happend today.. As I was inspecting the specimens
I noticed that 'Claw' was a more distorted color than all of the other specimens.. I went over to look at him... as I watched him.. his arms started to move in strange directions... I don't understand! It isn't possible! And when I expected his chamber closer... it had been cracked! I immediately told Duran and he says that we will get rid of it tomarrow, I moved it to a special holding cell, well guarded. I don't know why he guarded it so heavy.. I am extremely concerned...
Log 042 said:
This.. Oh my god I don't know what to think.. I'm so afraid.. Today I was walking with Duran to put the creature down and when we got to the door to the main chamber.. It wouldn't open! Duran put in the access code over and over again.. It was jammed... But what made me afraid was the noises we heard inside. We heard gunshots, loud painful screaming! We kept on trying to open the door buy Duran made me immediately make this log incase something.. happend.. I am so scared..
Log 043 said:
This will be my final log.. God, if I make it past this day I will not work here any longer! As Duran and I continued to try to open the door, we finally got it! But inside.. they guards.. were torn apart. Looked as if they suffered terribly, they died with their eyes open and wide. We looked a little more.. We found a wall, completely destroyed.. but this couldn't have been done with anything like gernades! No! It was done by a strange pair of hands. I am positive it was in fact 'Claw'. His chamber was broken wide open, 'Claw' was missing.. Once Duran finally gathered some troops we continued through the hole following the strange tracks. We continued into a dark tunnel, on the side of the tracks we saw tubes and needles, the very ones that we inject into the specimens! The tunnel strangely led back into another room, across the room was another hole to the outside.. Once we went outside.. we saw a very horrible sight.. The specimens were everywhere! I don't understand! They were brutalizing all of the marines. I immediately was told to run. I am hiding in a lab room.. I don't know how long I will survive.. if all...
The Final Transmission said:
I think I might have been discovered! Please! Whoever has recieved these logs come to the 'Duran Expidition' site immediately! For god's sakes help me! I hear banging on the walls and door.. I don't know how long I can survive.. help.. me..


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Aren't we suppost to pick up where the other person left off?


Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Land Before Time
PauseBreak said:
You really didn't explain how you want the story line set up so I'm going to start how I think it might look. :p

On a remote planet not far from the Dominions arms, the colony, 'Strong Arm', lost communications with their sister stations. A group of technicians was sent out to the colony's outter fringe to reinforce satellite coms. A couple days later, and with no news or return of the technicians, a small band of marines are sent out on a rescue mission.

"Snow Bound"
Confederate Camp
Grnaki Prime
6:33 AM SCT, 12.21.2541

Mission Briefing
Terran Command Center: Adjutant
Good morning gentlemen, as you know a few of you a group of Confederate technicians are lost after a violent hailstorm knocked out power to our communication devices. They left of the moring of December 17th 2541 and were to return yesturday morning. They were suppose to head due north and about 46 clicks out. The commander has been unable to connect to our sister base roughly 90 clicks north-west of here to see if any of technicians reported in.

There was only one message recieved before complete contact was lost.
Uploading now:
Play [.]
Technician: Homer Stands
Commander...*static*...we are nearing the...*static*...but there seems to be...*static*...storm...*static*...need to find...*static*...*static*...but there's this hole...*static...Skataski went...*static* ropes....*static*...*static*...dead...*static*...*static*
End [.]

There will be two teams sent out. The first team with 4 members will head towards our sister colony and determine if they need any assistance and if out techs reported in.
The second team with 6 men will sub group into 3's. You will travel towards the sattillite uplink and search for the missing techs.

Good luck and travel safe.

i have to say that was really elaboate :D
but that doesnt mean i dont like yours fallen shadow
and i didnt really specify so that you could be imaginative and make up whatever

PauseBreak said:
Aren't we suppost to pick up where the other person left off?
hm...i dont think i really specified this either... but the general idea was to use other ppls ideas if you think it had a good strt or if you found something that you really like from it
and i feel really at fault for not bolding or underlining or doing something to the key parts of my initial post :(
but i have a change...if you want ppl to continue your story, you put a "CONTINUE..." in caps at the end of your post
if you dont, then you should tail a "THE END" at the bottom of your post

now im going to revise my initial post, so if you want to recheck the guidelines, you may i suppose

FaLLeN_ShadoW said:

I'm not much of a writer but...

Project 'Hybrid' Logs​
Originally Posted by Log 024
I don't know what's happening, but ever since the Protoss showed, the specimen known as 'Claw' has been growing at a very unusual rate lately... when we had started the project he was the size of a mere Zergling... he's grown three times the normal rate over all of the other specimens.. I fear that if he keeps growing.. we will have to put him down. We can't transfer him to a larger chamber because he is too delicate and he would surely die. I don't know what to do...

Originally Posted by Log 029
Three days have passed since my last log, he begins to grow at the same rate.. I fear he does not break the chamber.. oh my..

Originally Posted by Log 036
Something happend today.. As I was inspecting the specimens
I noticed that 'Claw' was a more distorted color than all of the other specimens.. I went over to look at him... as I watched him.. his arms started to move in strange directions... I don't understand! It isn't possible! And when I expected his chamber closer... it had been cracked! I immediately told Duran and he says that we will get rid of it tomarrow, I moved it to a special holding cell, well guarded. I don't know why he guarded it so heavy.. I am extremely concerned...

Originally Posted by Log 042
This.. Oh my god I don't know what to think.. I'm so afraid.. Today I was walking with Duran to put the creature down and when we got to the door to the main chamber.. It wouldn't open! Duran put in the access code over and over again.. It was jammed... But what made me afraid was the noises we heard inside. We heard gunshots, loud painful screaming! We kept on trying to open the door buy Duran made me immediately make this log incase something.. happend.. I am so scared..

Originally Posted by Log 043
This will be my final log.. God, if I make it past this day I will not work here any longer! As Duran and I continued to try to open the door, we finally got it! But inside.. they guards.. were torn apart. Looked as if they suffered terribly, they died with their eyes open and wide. We looked a little more.. We found a wall, completely destroyed.. but this couldn't have been done with anything like gernades! No! It was done by a strange pair of hands. I am positive it was in fact 'Claw'. His chamber was broken wide open, 'Claw' was missing.. Once Duran finally gathered some troops we continued through the hole following the strange tracks. We continued into a dark tunnel, on the side of the tracks we saw tubes and needles, the very ones that we inject into the specimens! The tunnel strangely led back into another room, across the room was another hole to the outside.. Once we went outside.. we saw a very horrible sight.. The specimens were everywhere! I don't understand! They were brutalizing all of the marines. I immediately was told to run. I am hiding in a lab room.. I don't know how long I will survive.. if all...

Originally Posted by The Final Transmission
I think I might have been discovered! Please! Whoever has recieved these logs come to the 'Duran Expidition' site immediately! For god's sakes help me! I hear banging on the walls and door.. I don't know how long I can survive.. help.. me..
Technician: incoming transmission general
Raynor: play it...
---technician replays distress call---
Raynor: where did you say this was sent from?
Technician...ah...i believe it was on the surface of...
Technician #2: general raynor...a report from altanis
Raynor: (to Technician #1) set the course to the planet
(to Technician #2) play the message soldier
Artanis: good day general we have recieved reports from zeratul and his band of dark templar about a hidden project by the codename of CLAW. we know that it is run by duran and is a mix between races...
Raynor: god mean like a terran zerg?
Artanis: yes...the troubling news is a transmission was recieved stating that CLAW has taken Duran and his team of captive is Durans coded message...

Samir Duran said:
Encrypt key:*********
Decode Key:****** you have realized, our project CLAW, has broken loose and raided our labs. The species, now classified as the Lemorte, have invaluable information on the terran history, the protoss and their weapon development, and the zergs ability to morph any harmless species to a figure for the overmind. surprisingly, the lemorte react to psi emiters as the zerg do, but at a more frenzied rate, and much quicker, even when equipped with the dampeners, hypothecially due to the massive intelligence these beasts posess. they learn quickly and even now, they forge a bond amongst themselves, creating castes, and forming under one chief leader...douns familiar artanis? or is it more like the humans primitive life before they grew any intelligence at all? the Lemorte have all of the obvious strengths of all three races and none of the weaknesses. i have managed to lockdown several of them because i have equipped them with suits that all ow themselves to be treated as machines and lockdownable. however, their numbers still overwhelm us...static...static...familiar voice screaming for mercy against the lemorte...silence
Raynor: well ill be damned...
Artanis:...these creatures ae more formidable than i could have possibly amounted from zeratuls messages...
Technician #2: transmission from the queen of blades, kerrigan
Raynor: (sorrowful loook passes through eyes; covers up quickly) transmit
Kerrigan:so i am to guess that youve aquired the data that duran foolishly sent everywhere?
Artanis: that is none of your business you...
Kerrigan: relax...ive seen those beasts too you know...after all this message could be a trap
Raynor: let me want our help to destroy the strongest race in the galaxy so that you can dominate and kill us all
Kerrigan:(sarcasm) actually--
Artanis:what makes you think we will say yes?
Kerrigan:the zerg hive is vast and bountiful...before we exhaust ourselves of resources, you will fall out first...the lemorte is obviously much stronger than all of us combined. and as duran stated, they have all of our strengths but none of our weaknesses. therefore, they are easilyu made, costing little to no resources, are extremely strong, and can evolve quickly. for all we know, they could have all the information they need to rule the galaxy dont know...the next millenia? do we know that youre right and this is a trap...? you could be in on it too
Kerrigan: nonesense...the lemorte have alrdy attempted an attack on one of our colonies and they near wiped us out...they ar e much more advanced than us or you
Raynor:then i guess its off to meet this menace head to head...



Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Appologies, I was posting my message at the same time the other person was, but I went afk and when I posted my message I did not know that the other person had posted one. Sorry.

I don't know if you said we are aloud to participate twice but just in case..

Zeratul - Why have you come to see me?
Dark Templar - My appologies Lord Zeratul but we have recieved a very disturbing message from Duran's project known as 'CLAW'.
Zeratul - Explain!
Dark Templar - Well, one of his scientists broadcasted his logs so that one of us might come to help us..
Zeratul - Have you obtained these logs?
Dark Templar - Affirmative.
Zeratul - Play them!

*Logs & Such*

Zeratul - Damnit Duran, you arrogant bastard! He might have spelled certain doom for this entire universe if these beasts can find a way off of that planet!
Dark Templar - What will you have me do?
Zeratul - Contact Raynor and Artanis immediately!
Dark Templar - Yes my Lord.

*15 minutes*

Raynor - Zeratul, did you get the broadcast?
Zeratul - Indeed Raynor.. Have you thought of any plans?
Raynor - Not a single one..
Artanis - Pardon Zeratul, but I have thought of something with my fellow Templar.
Zeratul - Well, let's hear it! I'll resort to anything!
Artanis - Well, I would need help from both of you as well as my Templar.. You see they are contained on the planet at this moment.. Right?
Raynor - Yep.
Artanis - Well, if we could construct a weapon large enough with enough power, we could just fire constant shots at different regions of the planet, or better yet, send them to the center as we set some sort of bomb that would start a chain reaction. But we would need alot of help from everybody.. If we go with plan 1 then we will need a massive fleet, because by the time we reach our destination.. They will have aquirred aircraft. We could guard the master ships with the large weapons to different and specific points around the planet and fight off the Lemorte as the fire their weapons.
Zeratul - To do something like that we would need power greater than the Xel' Naga! And your other idea?
Artanis - We could secure a small space upon this planet and drill some sort of hole to the center and plant a very large bomb.. When we researched the anatomy of this planet we found that its' entire core contains flamable metal in the first core, explosive metal on the second, and pure land on the third. You see if we did this.. the planet would simply explode!
Raynor - But by the time we would have reached the center, they would aquire aircraft! We would have to fight them all back and nobody has that big of a fleet except.. well.. you know..
Zeratul - Raynor.. it could be the only way.. that or.. we would just have to scour the entire planet and kill everything... We would have to get almost all of the Protoss and Terran together for this.
Kerrigan - Perhaps the Zerg could be of some help in any of these plans?
Raynor - Kerrigan! You filthy bitch, I don't even want to hear from..
Zeratul - Kerrigan, we will welcome you.. But if you as so harm mine or Raynor's people I shall....
Kerrigan - Relax, they are just as much of a problem to me as to you!
Artanis - Well Zeratul? Which plan will with be?



Oct 7, 2005
Reaction score
Land Before Time
FaLLeN_ShadoW said:
Appologies, I was posting my message at the same time the other person was, but I went afk and when I posted my message I did not know that the other person had posted one. Sorry.

I don't know if you said we are aloud to participate twice but just in case..
well it doesnt matter if you didnt continue what PB did
i think you had a nice start anwyay (though i might have messd up what you had planned :p)

for your part of the story fallenshadow, i figured that it was somewhere directly after BW...and if anyone noticed, i promoted raynors rank to general

you can participate once...twice...a million times (i hope)...if you want
but the bottom line is...


Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
creating ur own story.... thats wut the campaign editors for... but im sure sc2 is guna be about stopin the hybrid and zerg and the terrans will be allyed with the toss


Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Forgot.... ****.
Nova: Jim raynor,Finally... since kerrigan is infested lets cheat on her
Jim Raynor: Its ok w/ me since the Xel naga temple went kapow and wiped out the protoss race ;)
Nova: ok lets do it...
Duke: (joins in) i've been general for 15 years...
Jim Raynor: Hey whats your problem man?
Civillian: Man theres not enough space in here...
Vulcan Battlecruiser Fleetship: Venus And Mars, We Have Caught You having Great Moments! Now Die!!!!!
(Lazer Shots miss)
Duke: Get in my grizzly Tank! NOW!
(Every one gets in)
(They Arrive At A Battle cruiser)
Jim Raynor: Set foot on Char! lets get off this rock!LIGHT SPEED!
(Arrival On Char)
(Nova sees dug in bunkers with marines)
Jim Raynor: Hey are those marines and bunkers??
(They land battle cruiser in sieged base)
Marine: (Fires signal)
(3 grizzlys arrive and squashes all those damn zerglings)
Ghost: Anyone called for an Exterminator?
Marine: The Calvary has arrived!
Duke: Who's in charge here?
Marine: CommanderJamie,Sir!
(10 wraiths come and drop bombs on sunken)
Marines: (Cheers)
All of a sudden...
(An Ultralisk From Under Ground comes up and kaiser the marines)
(When the ultra is about to kill Nova,The Firebat pushes Nova and Burns the Ultralisk then... the ghost on the grizzly fires a rocket and Killz the ultra)
Nova: You Saved my life... what is your name?
Firebat: Commander Jamie,M'am

Then The Game Starts